0085.07 – Aswan

Universal Century 0085.07

“Move it. We won’t know when they’ll need to head out.” Hendrick Ness’ voice resounded in his helmet.

“Aren’t we full of energy all of a sudden, old man?” Pete Shelton muttered in his head as a wry smile crept across his face. Hendrick Ness is the Aswan’s chief mechanic. His age difference to Pete is like a parent to child. Or, if one wanted to make it worse, like a grandfather and grandkid.

“Ah man, the Gundam’s precious leg…” Pete looked up at the Hazel and muttered.

Two Gundams stood in a row before him. It was more accurate to say the other form was provided for replacement parts for the Hazel.

“If you can stand there and gripe, you can lend a hand!” scolded old man Hendrick.

“Right, right!”

The mechanics had already removed the bottom from the knee of the damaged Hazel. The leg from the spare unit would soon be dismantled. The problem is after it was connected. The main computer has to be reset and minute adjustment were required.

“Hey, it looks like the Murphy team’s fighting it out!” came someone’s voice over the internal incomm. It looked like intel leaked from the bridge.

“What did I tell you!” old man Hendrick could be heard saying.

“Hey, Pete! Look sharp! Once we replace the leg, connect the circuits right away and finish the configuration.”

“I told you I know!”

“Well then if you know, it’ll be spot on!”

“Did they say battle?” Pete thought, “Christ, they really need to think about the mechanics…”

The physical joining of the Hazel’s leg was complete.

“Well, I better get in there and finish it before he starts nagging…”

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