
Unit type: mothership
Affiliation: Jupiter Foundation/Serpiente Tacon


A gigantic flower-shaped spacecraft equipped with a Minovsky drive unit that is the home base for the Serpiente Tacon. Constructed in complete secrecy within the Jupiter Foundation, only a few people are aware of its existence. A fast ship for Jupiter, the furthest living space from the Earth, is naturally a necessity but also an aspiration (it’s also for the transportation of materials in preparation for the one-in-a-million disturbances). A researcher wanting to continue research pulled out of production from SNRI greatly reducing the development of the Minovsky Drive and everything was started over from scratch thus spending more than ten years to complete it. As a result of the convergence, the design would have a form similar to the front half of the Mother Vanguard. In order to be a practical experimental ship, it was necessary to be equipped with armaments for debris and meteorite destruction, although it’s fundamental combat strength is not high. On the other hand, it’s defensive capabilities are superior because it’s possible to cover the entire ship with a beam shield by furling the “Light Sail”. In the Jupiter Sphere, mobile suits are necessary to do anything so the loading capacity of them was set up for many.

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