0088.05 – Postwar Period

Lieutenant JG Eliard Hunter was summoned from his detention cell and taken to a dreary room. One section of the wall was covered by a large mirror; more than likely a one-way mirror. Seated across the table was a man in an Earth Federation Forces uniform; his cane leaning against the adjacent chair. He probably had a bad leg. His rank insignia was Lieutenant Commander.

“Leave us,” The man ordered the military personnel who brought Eliard to the room, “And no surveillance from behind that mirror either.”

Eliard was confused. The Commander ordered the two guards who brought him there to leave them alone.

“Please, have a seat. I need to slowly listen to your story.”

Eliard sat down cautiously.

“You are being court-martialed for several charges. I am an attorney for the Earth Federation Forces, and I have undertaken your defense. My name is Conrad Morris. It is necessary for me to hear the details from you, so will you tell me?”

There was a spark of intellect in the Major’s eyes, which looked soft and gentle.

Eliard answered, “Where should I begin?”

“From the beginning. From when you were assigned to the Titans until the final battle…”

Eliard nodded at the Commander’s words, “I’ll tell you. I fought proudly under the flag of the Titans. As a soldier, I take pride in believing that I did nothing wrong.”

The Commander nodded, “Wonderful. That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. All right then, let’s begin.”

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