Universal Century 0112, at a dazzling presentation, a stunning new product is revealed! Meanwhile, in New Yark, mother and son are finally getting some rest before their next mission. As the M-Type is being tested in the Labrador Sea, Patsy comes under attack by a mobile armor! 

Universal Century 0111. The Earth Federation Forces ordered development of next generation mainstay mobile suits. The requirement was difficult to deliver on, for a small-scale mobile suit that can be easily supplied, without losing out on the performance of existing machines. In response to this, the winner of an eventual competition, developed by SNRI, a military research facility with its base of operations located at Side 4, was the F90. There were two F90 units, Unit 1 and Unit 2. They were assigned to the Earth Federation Forces System Command in a Team A and Team B of the 13th Experimental Squadron. Their final goals were to discover defects during testing and to acquire data from the new mission packs development test. In the following year, U.C.0112, both those teams spent their days conducting tests in space and on land. Those tests, “should” have been highly confidential and known only to a few…


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