“No, we’re totally doing it this year, I promise.”

Thanks, Knolly 😀

Greetings and Happy New Year, denizens of Zeonic|Scanlations!

As promised, I’m here to outline what we’re going to be doing for the 2011 scanlation year. This is kind of a haphazard plan that came to mine while I was sitting on the can the other day (kidding, of course), but I’m certain the goal is obtainable! But, we can only do it with YOUR help! Many of you have been very helpful over the course of the year (TatsuHobby being a major supporter), but we’re ready to surge back with a vengeance! So! With that in mind, I’ve created a little slogan to kick start out year and to outline what we hope to accomplish!

Zeonic|Scanlations 2011 Theme: 7-11

Yes, that’s so creative, isn’t it? What does it mean though? Well, we’re hoping to crank out seven projects over the course of the year! No, that doesn’t mean seven volumes and we’re done. It’s seven series, something you’ve come to expect from us 😀 HOWEVER! We only have five ironed out at this moment and they’re series you’ve been expecting from us for a while. The other two are still up in the air right now. But, part of the MASTER PLAN is as follows:

Char’s Deleted Affair: One volume per month.
Bande Dessinee: On hold because scans are no longer available.
Glory of the Defeated: Chapter 3-4 are available. May do this in chapter section batches. Not sure.
Steel 7: Yes, this is coming. I don’t think we’ll do it in a volume release, but more of a series batch like we did for Crossbone.


New Mobile War Report Gundam W: Frozen Teardrop!

Gundam Wing has always had a soft spot in my heart, which is why I’m so proud to be translating the sequel novel to the television series and Endless Waltz! So, without further adieu, I present to all of you the prologue, Silent Prelude, as our first release of 2011! Enjoy folks!

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