Website Revamping

As many of you will notice, this is a new layout. We’ve kept the previous layout for so, so long and after growing frustrated with a proper formatting system for the database, I decided to try out a new one. Believe me when I say finding a layout was difficult. Given the way I organize material, finding something that worked and wasn’t too intrusive was quite challenging. At any rate, here is the new layout! I hope you all enjoy it. At the moment, user registration for comment postings has been disabled. I had far too many people registering and not posting, so I really don’t see a point to it right now. That’s what the forums are for and will be utilized for with commenting on releases. Now, onto explaining things!

One of the features I’m trying out with the site is having things be bilingual. If you’re looking for information on a certain Gundam series and don’t know the English title but have the Japanese title, you can slap that up in the search field and hopefully yield some info on it. There’s a lot of half-started pages floating over there and I promise I’ll get to them when I can. I have a slew of text files with information in them I need to comb through and double check, but we’ll be better than Wikipedia and the Gundam Wikia in no time =)

The publications page has yet to be created. I’m still not sure what I’ll put on that page. I may end up spreading into model information and what not in the future, but that’s something I just cannot devote time to at this point in my website career (sic). On the release page, you’ll notice some different formatting options. We’ll no longer be listing direct download links, but instead will be directing to the gallery entries. I’ve lost the hosting for Zeonic|Distro, so until I can upload to Megaupload and Mediafire, this will just have to do.

If you have any comments or concerns with the new layout, you can voice them on the forums in this thread. Until then, I hope you all enjoy what we’ve created for you =)

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