Archive for July, 2014


THE STORY THUS FAR: Char Aznable, who hid himself as Quattro Bageena during the Gryps War, went missing. Now, in U.C.0092 he has returned to the stage. Reviving the Neo Zeon, he declares war on the Federation Government. He carries out a speech from Sweetwater telling of a direct attack on Lhasa. Meanwhile, Federation Forces […]

[DATABASE] Reconguista in G

I’ve added a database entry for the latest Gundam series: GUNDAM Reconguista in G. You can view it here.

10 Years? Sweet Jesus… I need a life…

It’s hard to believe that ten years ago everything started. Ten years of memories I can still laugh at via the logs I still have for some reason. I know this past year has been rather dead for us… and I had every intention of closing up shop, but for some reason I just keep […]

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