0085.07 – Aswan – Mobile Suit Deck

“This is overkill…” muttered the mechanic Pete Shelton as he looked at the unit on the catapult.

“I’m really going out with this? This is the unit used for the Hazel’s spare parts.”

“You talk too much!” bellowed Hendrick Ness’ voice inside his helmet, “It’s not like we’re sending you out into combat!”

“It’s carrying propellant and a booster pack as well. We improvised but, she’s good. A novice pilot would black out when that thing suddenly accelerates.”

“I can hear you, you know.” came Lieutenant JG Eliard Hunter’s voice, “Excuse me for being a novice pilot.”

Eliard was already inside the Hazel Reserve Unit’s cockpit.

“I wasn’t talking about you!” yelled Pete. “But, if you’re not careful with how you use the thrusters, you’ll cut across some serious G forces.”

“Got it. Though we are an experimental unit to experience just that.”

“You said it.”

“Pete, I hope you quickly set the armaments output limiter to training mode.” came Hendrick’s voice again. “Training regulations. My butt’s on the line if a ridiculously expensive mobile suit gets destroyed in a mock battle!”

“I did just that. The beam output is at ten percent of its maximum. Even if a unit sustains a direct it, it won’t damage it. It’ll probably just get really hot.”

Waiting on the other side of the Hazel Reserve Unit was Lieutenant JG Carl Matsubara’s GM Sniper III. Attached to his unit was a mid-range support unit or cannon pack. In its right hand was a long range beam rifle. Furthermore, in order to test an expandable shield, a Galbaldy Beta’s shield was mounted on the left arm. At the moment, the shield was in compact form for easy maneuverability inside the ship.

“Move out.” came Lieutenant JG Audrey April’s voice from the deck’s control room. “Once you’re 5 kilometers away from the model, the operation will begin.”

“Roger that.” said Eliard.

“Eliard unit, Gundam Hazel II. Moving out!”

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