0088.05 – Mission

“You were assigned to guard a transport heading for Side 1 from an orbit around the moon as a member of the Titans Test Team, otherwise known as the Murphy Team. Correct?”

Conrad Morris continued questioning. They were not simple questions. Based on the answers to the questions, they must turn so that it shifts Lieutenant JG Eliard Hunter’s attitude. It’s likely he still couldn’t shake the sense of guilt. The “Colony 30 Incident” that massacred the population of a colony with poison gas was far too much for one person to take responsibility for. By releasing him from that sense of guilt, he should naturally believe that he is innocent.

“Yes.” Eliard responded. “Under the command of Commander Murphy, I was assigned to the mission along with Lieutenant JG Carl Matsubara.”

“At the time, the Murphy Team was assigned to the Aswan, was it not?”

“That is correct. We were one of four other mobile suit teams.”

“Who gave the order guard the transport ship?”

“Captain Otto Pedersen of operation command.”

“And where did a briefing on the operation take place?”

“In a briefing room on board the Aswan.”

“At the time, who was in the room?”

“Captain Otto Pedersen, Lieutenant Wes Murphy, Lieutenant JG Carl Matsubara, Lieutenant JG Audrey April and myself.”

“You’re certain of this?”


Conrad envisioned the scene in his head, harkening back to his time as a mobile suit pilot. Tension and excitement. Jokes to break that. Particular smells of a battleship came to mind; a unique smell of oil and paint mixed with burnt metal and sweat.

“Who gave the orders directly?”

“Captain Otto Pedersen.”

“Can you remember what he said at the time?”

For the first time, a bewildered expression came over his face.

“I may not be able to recall exactly what he said.”

“Remember as much as you can.” Conrad explained. “This is a very important point.”

Eliard pondered for a bit before starting to explain.”

“He said that the mission involved escort for a transport. We were given a disk with data on coordinates and a time schedule to break away from orbit around the moon and head for Side 1. Then the Captain told us that Side 1 was a location of anti-Federation government actvity and that there was intel that said the rebels were linked with Zeon remnants.”

“And there was no explanation regarding the cargo of the transport?”

“No, there was not.”

“Are you certain of this?”


“No one amongst the Murphy Team knew what the cargo was?”

“Nobody told me. If they did…”

“If they did, what would you have done?”

Looking down, Eliard was lost in thought for a while. It wasn’t long before he raised his head and spoke.

“Even if I had known, I believe I would’ve headed out. When a soldier is given orders, they’re duty bound to carry out that operation. Even if I had known about the poison gas, you must go if you’re ordered to go.”

“That is also a crucial point.” Conrad said, “Soldiers must abide by orders. The greatest indiscretion for a soldier is not following orders. You followed orders. As a soldier, you did the right thing.”

“But, because of that poison gas…”

“Eliard. Forget about the poison gas for the time being. Think back to during the operation; how you were feeling at the time. How you were feeling when you left the briefing room, climbed into your mobile suit and headed out. At the time, you were unaware of the cargo. Correct?”


“I’ve said it many times, but that is a crucial point. That, and you followed orders. Listen, think only about those facts when you’re at the court-martial.”

“Yes, sir.”

A slight glimmer of hope returned to Eliard’s eyes. Conrad felt he was certain that he realized that this was a battle for two people.

“Now then, according to the record, immediately following the mission to guard the transport, the Murphy Team carried out operations as a team under the command of Captain Bask who caused the ‘Colony 30 Incident’. This is true, correct?”

“Not at all.” Eliard responded, “We were to give only rear support.”

“You were ordered to head out again immediately following the transport mission? Who did these orders come down from?”

“Captain Otto Pedersen.”

“And the exact contents of the orders were?”

“Because Captain Bask is carrying out an operation at Side 1, we’re to head out to support from the rear… Because Commander Murphy’s Hazen was heavily damaged during the guarding of the transport, he headed out in a Hi-Zack, a new and powerful unit. The sortie served as a test for the Hi-Zack.”

“Did you handle the test in combat?”

“That was the mission of the Murphy Team.”

A dangerous one at that. Conrad thought, shuddering at the thought of being ordered to do that himself.

“And just to confirm…” Conrad began, “Captain Otto Pedersen ordered rear support for Captain Bask’s operation?”

“That is correct.”

“And he did not say just what Bask was trying to do?”

“It seemed that even the Captain wasn’t aware. He said something like ‘Doing a favor for Bask isn’t a bad thing.'”

“So you didn’t participate in Bask’s operation itself?”

“No, I did not.”

“Then, you’re saying there are errors with this record?”

“It is not correct.”

“Excellent.” Conrad said smiling. “That’s the spirit. Visiting hours will be over soon, so let’s leave off here today.”

As Conrad was starting to get up, Eliard stood up much quicker. A custom of soldiers that is engrained within them. It was expected of someone solely chosen for the Titans. In their early stages, they were troops who seemed to have certain discipline.

Two guards appeared to take Eliard back to his cell. They placed him in handcuffs and lead him out of the room by both sides.

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